Thursday, March 26, 2009

i want that.

as a compulsive list-maker, I pretty much always have a running tab of things I want/need in my life. some are more realistic and some may need to be reserved for another lifetime. here are several items from my current "stuff i want" list:

how perfect and adorable are these american bull dog puppies? they are purposely at the top of my list despite the not-so-practical idea of raising a puppy in a house with 8 girls and barely any yard to speak of. i've been trying to convince joseph to get a dog, promising that i will do my part to take care of it (i have done all the waking up at 2am to take the puppy out housetraining with milly) but i'm not sure that's going to happen any time soon. i'll give it a year or two, i guess, but then i am bringing one of these babies home.

this "for like ever" poster from it has been featured on the cover of domino (r.i.p.) and countless design blogs but i still find it so charming and hopeful. i need it in my life.

a big, pretty tote from goyard with my initials in the lovely painted mongrams they do.

a first edition copy of J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye. i almost always have one on my ebay watch list but they're a little out of my price range... one day, though.

lomography's reproduction of the diana, a plastic toy camera that's cheap construction (sorry, but true) causes light leaks that create the most beautiful, dreamlike photos. i love this model called the dreamer. the color of the camera body is so pretty, almost as pretty as the ghostly, photo vignettes it produces. like this (found through google search at

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